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Start with one of our lovingly-created designs and we’ll help you customize, and mix-and-match to build a suite that sets the tone for your wedding celebration.

Add coordinating stationery pieces to create a cohesive experience from that first piece of mail through to the wedding day.

You’d rather not start from scratch, but you want stationery that feels like you. You want special, designer keepsakes for your wedding. Sound like you? Our Semi-Custom Collection designs will only be sold to a limited number of couples before they are retired forever, and with the possibilities to customize, embellish, and mix-and-match, there’s little chance another couple will ever send out the exact same suite.


Choose your collection

Browse the designs and select the pieces you’ll need for your suite.





2. Customize

You’ll fill out a short questionnaire when you place your order to gather the info we’ll need to customize your invitations. Then, you’ll receive a first proof in 3-5 business days after placing your order. Invitations include 3 free rounds of revisions. You’ll receive each revised proof 2-3 business days after sending in your revision request.

Approve For Production

After your final proofs are approved, we’ll send your pieces into production. For standard suites, this process takes 2-3 weeks + shipping.


Receive a first proof in 3-5 business days after placing your order. Invitations include 3 free rounds of revisions. You’ll receive each revised proof 2-3 business days after sending in your revision request.



After your final proofs are approved, we’ll send your pieces into production. For standard suites, this process takes 2-3 weeks + shipping.



It all started when…

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